You should update this document to reflect your T&C.

  1. The client explicitly waives its own standard terms and conditions, even if these were drawn up after these standard terms and conditions of sale. To be valid, any derogation must be expressly agreed to in advance in writing.
  2. All our packages include work hours. For Indian clients, web design work is priced at 500 INR per hour, development at 600 INR per hour, and app development at 1100 INR per hour. Odoo implementation is $30 USD per hour and development is $40 USD per hour. Beyond the included hours, additional charges apply for any package. For example, in the web design package priced at 30,000 INR, the maximum included work hours are up to 60.
  3. Our invoices are payable within 21 working days, unless another payment timeframe is indicated on either the invoice or the order. In the event of non-payment by the due date, Primary Infotech Private Limited reserves the right to request a fixed interest payment amounting to 10% of the sum remaining due. Primary Infotech Private Limited will be authorized to suspend any provision of services without prior warning in the event of late payment.
  4. If a payment is still outstanding more than sixty (60) days after the due payment date, Primary Infotech Private Limited reserves the right to call on the services of a debt recovery company. All legal expenses will be payable by the client.
  5. Certain countries apply to withhold at source on the amount of invoices, in accordance with their internal legislation. Any withholding at source will be paid by the client to the tax authorities. Under no circumstances can Primary Infotech Private Limited become involved in costs related to a country's legislation. The amount of the invoice will therefore be due to Primary Infotech Private Limited in its entirety and does not include any costs relating to the legislation of the country in which the client is located.
  6. Primary Infotech Private Limited undertakes to do its best to supply performant services in due time in accordance with the agreed timeframes. However, none of its obligations can be considered as being an obligation to achieve results. Primary Infotech Private Limited cannot under any circumstances, be required by the client to appear as a third party in the context of any claim for damages filed against the client by an end consumer.
  7. In order for it to be admissible, Primary Infotech Private Limited must be notified of any claim by means of a letter sent by recorded delivery to its registered office within 8 days of the delivery of the goods or the provision of the services.
  8. All our contractual relations will be governed exclusively by India law.
    Certified that all the particulars shown in the above invoice are true and
    correct based on information available with us . It is further certified that our
    Registration under relevant GST Act is valid as on date of the invoice.
    We hereby declare that
    o No TDS to be deducted on this Invoice. Refer: notification no.12/2012 dated
    13.06.2012 which notifies that no TDS shall be made under section 194J of the
    Act in case of payment for the acquisition of software license/(s). There is no
    modification done on the software being supplied vide this Invoice. We shall
    /have deducted Whithholding TAX under Section 194J on payment for this
  11. INCOME TAX DECLARATION - TDS ON WEB HOSTING AND PROMOTION SERVICES  - We hereby declare that no TDS is to be deducted on this invoice for web hosting and promotion services. As per the judgment in the case of ESM Sys Pvt. Ltd. vs ITO (ITA No. 350/Ahd/2018) and the provisions of the India-U.S. DTAA, such payments do not qualify as Fees for Technical Services (FTS) or Royalty and are not taxable in India if the service provider has no Permanent Establishment (PE) in India. Therefore, withholding tax under Section 195 is not applicable for these payments.
  12. INCOME TAX DECLARATION - TDS ON PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL SERVICES - We hereby declare that TDS is to be deducted under Section 194J of the Income Tax Act at the rate of 2% on payments made for professional services such as legal, engineering, medical, architectural, and accountancy services, including those under Section 44ABA. Similarly, for technical services such as software development, website design and maintenance, audio/video recording, and related activities, TDS at 2% is applicable before making payments to the service provider.